
Joystick sensitivity
Joystick sensitivity

joystick sensitivity
joystick sensitivity

I have followed all the advice offered by other forum members and tried multiple control and sensitivity setting configurations all to no avail.


I have checked the rudder (Saitek) properties in the Windows Control Panel and all is good, nice smooth operation.

joystick sensitivity

Looking at the rudder in the External View it is obvious that the rudder movement is not smooth - it moves in jerky steps and does not respond to the rudder pedals inputs as it should.


Since the update I have experienced the same rudder problems as others have reported - the aircraft is totally uncontrollable on the ground with violent swings to the left and right making it impossible to taxi in a straight line. We highly recommend to use a joystick or flight stick when flying any. I have been using MSFS20 (MS Store version) since it was released without any problems at all however that has changed since the 22 December update. Sensitivity settings are highly hardware depended and can be different for each. Is it really too much trouble for Asobo just to write a short paragraph outlining precisely what each adjustment does? Apparently it is. We are now having to grub around, discussing between ourselves what the added sensitivity settings are for. Click on reset to default and check if the sensitivity is reduced. Select the controller from the Game controller’s window and click on properties. Press Windows and R key together on your Keyboard. Even the joystick I have defaulted to something like -60 sensitivity on all axis and was still at a you breathed on the. I would request you to check the article on Configure your Xbox 360 controller for Windows. Finally, change all of your sensitivities to either 0.00 or something very low (I found this to be the best case for my joystick, yours may be entirely different). I am using the joystick to navigate around my virtual world however the. My controller was really touchy off the bat, stupidly so honestly. To bind the other two, go back to Joystick Curves, turn off the 'Virtual Axis Test Loop' on the now bound axis, and repeat the above steps to bind the remaining axis. Very simple basic info, but supplied by the users, not the manufacturer. I am using a Joystick Input block from the Virtual Reality Toolbox in Simulink. I very recently gave this info to another user in the forum having the same trouble. I’m generally quite bright, but took me a while to realise you needed to select the “all” option when setting up joystick commands. As far as I know, even this has never been copied on-line for non-disc owners.


FSX had a very full computer-based, well indexed reference guide.įS2020, as far as I have found out, has a very basic manual for the disc version only. I’ve still got the manual from FS2000 - 308 pages, including useful basic lessons from Rod Machado. I’ve learnt lots from the forum, very little from Asobo. As you know, the three axes / motion are pitch, roll, and yaw. With minimal sensitivity, you would have to move the joystick enough to get some degree of movement on each of the control axes of the aircraft. I’ve searched Google, and the sdk would certainly be a strange place for a beginner to look to find out the basic way to run the sim. The sensitivity of a joystick means how quickly the plane obeys the movement of the joystick. I’ve submitted a ticket anyway.The link doesn’t work for me. Yeah it has to be a bug, as I don’t get this with FSX or similar. I’m wondering whether I need a new joystick (it is old) or not, but having said that, the range of motion in the calibration screen (the + in the box) is fine, and doesn’t “jump” around. No amount of tinkering with the settings seems to get around this, and it makes flying the likes of the C172 near impossible on final approach, with huge pitch increases and stall warnings etc for what seems only minor movements on the stick - I’ve played with every sensitivity & dead zone combo there is! The issue I have is that the controls are good for the first few millimetres of movement (in terms of stick movement) but then it’s all or nothing - the ailerons or elevator are either fully deflected, or slightly deflected.


I have a rather old but fully functioning Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick, but for the life of me I can’t determine the best sensitivity & dead zone settings.

Joystick sensitivity